It could be! I found this on a friend's Facebook Page so I decided to post it here. This could be very well how Georgia Congressional Districts would look like when redistricting is finalized sometime next month.
So what do you think about it? From my vantage point, the 1oth looks alot more attractive for a democrat to challenge showboatin' Arch-Conservative Paul Broun such as Michael Thurmond who is from Athens.
The 12th becomes a tossup seat with incumbent John Barrow either relocating to Augusta or remain in Savannah & taking on Jack Kingston. (Remember here in Georgia, you don't have to live in a district to run for congress). This looks like more of a attempt by republicans to force Barrow into early retirement. If you're looking for a lawsuit from Georgia Dems, it could come from here
The 8th loses Bibb & takes in all of south central Georgia. But I'm not so sure if this particular district will strengthen Austin Scott despite being the incumbent. There are some conservative democrats in these areas that could give Scott a run for the 8th. Some of the counties from Kingston's district used to be in the 8th when Saxby Chambliss was representative & when Jim Marshall won the seat in a special election back in 2001.
The 2nd becomes more democratic, but that doesn't mean that it can't be competitive for a republican. Sanford Bishop will be entering his 20th year as rep of the 2nd CD & there are alot of ambitious democrats in the district who are waiting when the time comes when Bishop retires & ride off into the sunset. It could be sooner than many people think!
1st CD-Kingston is stll relatively safe despite losing some of the counties in the western portion of the district & gaining all of Democratic leaning Chatham County & Republican Efffingham Counties. But he'll more likely will receive a challenge from Savannah Democrats with the inclusion of all of Chatham
2nd CD-Sanford Bishop is strengthen by the inclusion of Democratic Stronghold Bibb County, but loses swing county Worth & democratic leaning Dooly County & Republican lean Crisp County. I still think all of Muscogee County will be included in the 2nd.
The 10th no doubt will draw democratic challengers for Paul Broun. I could see a Michael Thurmond running in a district such as this with Blue Counties Clarke, Baldwin & Taliaferro in the mix along with swing counties Newton, Jones.
The 14th like many have predicted will be based in Hall Co going NE towards the S.C. N.C. Tenn. borders. If State Senator Jim Butterworth were to run, he'd be the favorite in my own personal opinion.
The rest of the districts are republican/democratic safe seats although Phil Gingrey may see another democratic challenger in a potential district such as the 13th as well as Rob Woodall in the 7th with Walton & Barrow going in the 10th.
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