Monday, May 3, 2010

Senator J.B. Powell calls bid for new post "right decision"

He was expected to run for senator again, but on the last day of qualifying senator J.B. Powell shook things up.

Senator J.B. Powell will run for Georgia's next agriculture commissioner.

"I had been struggling with a lot of things," said Powell. "There were a lot of things on the table, and it was a decision that was made very quickly."

We asked him what made him qualified to run for the position.

"I have walked the walk. I think that enables me to talk to the talk," said Powell, a conservative democrat.

"I've made the payroll on a farm. I know how hard it is for the farmers to struggle," said Powell. "I've been a project manager for 25 years. I know what it's like to make a payroll and run multi-million dollar budgets."

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