Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Will Democrats Put Up a Challenge to Georgia GOP Congressmen?

With all of the talk surrounding our statewide races, lets focus on congressional races. There is only one democrat running for congress here so far (Mike Freeman) up in the 9th Congressional District, which is an open seat, but what about the others.

Every two years you see republicans challenge democratic congressmen Jim Marshall, John Barrow & Sanford Bishop, but what about democrats challenging incumbent republican congressmen?

Will Doug Heckman challenge John Linder once again?

What about Bobby Saxon taking on Paul Broun. (Saxon has been rumored as a possible candidate for State Senate seat 47). There is one democrat by the name of Sandy Untermeyer, who is retired educator from Columbia Co, who has said he will challenge Paul Broun.

Lynn Westmoreland? Phil Gingrey? Jack Kingston?

The democrats best bet to maybe pickoff one or more of these congressmen is through redistricting. The way they are set up now makes it difficult for democrats, though not impossible. I hope to see some of these GOP congressmen face challenges this year instead of letting them just walk scotch free without having to face voters.

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