Monday, May 24, 2010

DuBose Porter Pro-Life? Yes! Dems Better hope Carol Porter is the same.

Up yonder in Clarke County, Blake Aued, who runs the blog conducted a interview with DuBose Porter. In the interview he asked Porter where does he stand on the issue of Abortion:

Aued asked him a question concerning biotech research, in which he prefaced a question about embryonic stem cells by asking him whether he was pro-life or pro-choice.

Porter said: He said he believes abortion ought to be legal in cases of rape, incest or to save the mother’s life. So, otherwise, you’re pro-life, then, right? Right, he said, but with the caveat that state governments don’t have much control over the issue.

So what's the big deal? Well in the democratic primary where the voters are more to the left on issues, this could be a killer for his campaign especially among liberal democratic women in the metro Atlanta area. Porter is a rural, christian democrat, so this revelation comes as no surprise to me. I'd say porter, stick to your beliefs & core principles. Bend an inch & if you do go on to win the primary, it will come back to haunt you in a big way.

So over at the AJC, Jim Galloway ask the question: where is Carol Porter on this? Well for her sake & her campaign, I hope she is pro-life as well. Despite the bad economy, high job losses & massive cuts to education, if she were to declare she's pro-choice, she can kiss her campaign good bye, despite the weak status of incumbent Casey Cagle, who would welcome the chance of talking about a wedge issue instead of education, teacher furloughs, the economy ethics corruption, etc.

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Anonymous said...


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