Sunday, December 31, 2023

Democrats lose about 94% of Rural Georgia Counties...Wanna Know Why?

Because they run weak candidates who simply do not align with the culture, values, hopes, aspirations, concerns and worries of rural folks. The messaging and policies for urban and suburban areas are not tailored to rural communities. Democrats simply dismiss those people as politically expedient at best, or a lost cause at worst. Now if you go back to the 2020 election and 2021 runoffs, both Senators Jon Ossoff  and Raphael Warnock put in a lot of time and effort in rural Georgia, especially the black belt areas/ That effort was critical in both winning their races in which gave Georgia two Democratic Senators for the first time since 1986.

At this point in time, there is very little evidence that the Democratic establishment understands these failures. Politicos endorsing fellow politicos, party elites tipping the scales, political hacks who are ahead of their time, none of this mess works for rural Georgians. The Dems failure to appeal to rural voters has consequences. One, extreme polarization, caused by partisan gerrymandering and the huge urban-rural divide. 

Working class, rural communities in Southwest, central and eastern Georgia are marginalized due to the consolidation of economic and political power inside I-285. Georgia needs the Democrats to be competitive in rural communities, just like we need republicans to be competitive in big cities/ Let me tell you what rural folks want...they want to be valued and heard on their own terms, they want their children to have opportunities at home, etc. Democrats can deliver economic opportunities, but it will require Democrats competing in local elections by charting an independent path forward. 

Are Georgia Democrats concerned about a possible extinction in Rural Georgia because the brand is so toxic?

Tattnall County Ga- Some Democrats here whether its in the black belt, the wiregrass region are afraid to tell you they're Democrats. The Party brand is so bad in small town Georgia that some who lean liberal have refused to acknowledge their affiliation publicly. Democrats here are used to being outnumbered, but as their numbers continue to drop, the few remaining are more isolated.

The hatred for Democrats is just crazy, said a longtime democratic resident of Tattnall County who told his daughter to get rid of a pro-Biden bumper sticker back in 2020. Democrats have been ostracized from many parts of rural Georgia, leaving party leaders (who are clueless when it comes to rural Georgia) few options to reverse a cultural trend while continuing to devote the majority of its resources to voters in more populated urban and suburban areas of the state.

Past candidates like William Boddie who ran for Labor Commissioner in 2022 know his party can no longer afford to ignore rural voters. Boddie is a Democrat and a possible gubernatorial candidate in 2026 is someone who I would describe as someone who is a champion for the forgotten, the marginalized and the left behind places is the type of candidate who gets it. The Democratic Party struggles in rural Georgia has been building since the early 2000s and it show no signs of getting better.

These Democratic Women Are Rising Stars and Their Futures are Bright

  Former State Senator and potential '26 gubernatorial candidate Jen Jordan Tift County Board of Education member Pat McKinnon State Rep...