1* In thinking about the 2010 Democratic Primary for Governor of Georgia, suppose you had a choice between Thurbert Baker, Roy Barnes, Carl Camon, Dubose Porter and David Poythress. If the election were held today for whom would you vote?
9% Thurbert Baker
42% Roy Barnes
1% Carl Camon
7% Dubose Porter
2% David Poythress
10% Some other candidate
30% Not sure
First….Thurbert Baker
14% Very favorable
36% Somewhat favorable
11% Somewhat unfavorable
2% Very unfavorable
37% Not sure
3* Next….David Poythress
2% Very favorable
30% Somewhat favorable
7% Somewhat unfavorable
7% Very unfavorable
54% Not sure
4* Okay….Dubose Porter
9% Very favorable
19% Somewhat favorable
7% Somewhat unfavorable
6% Very unfavorable
59% Not sure
5* Next…Roy Barnes
33% Very favorable
34% Somewhat favorable
10% Somewhat unfavorable
6% Very unfavorable
17% Not sure
6* last one…Carl Camon
3% Very favorable
17% Somewhat favorable
14% Somewhat unfavorable
5% Very unfavorable
62% Not sure
The Problem Poythress, Porter, Baker, Camon all have is that their name I.D. is not string enough yet for voters to have an opinion of them. I just can't believe with all of the campaigning & coverage that Poythress & Porter has gotten that they are in the single digits. Come back to be around April 2010 & it will be a whole new ballgame. Folks are writing off Carl Camon because he is a virtual unkonwn, but he has kept his head down & campaign across south & north georgia. I have always said he is the dems answer for a candidate to Casey Cagle for Lt. Governor. Barnes is leading because of yes name I.D., but dems have to ask them selves can he win in the general election? The primaries don't count. He maybe the darling of the liberals up in North Georgia, but it's going to be moderates, conservative democrats & moderate republicans that live here in rural georgia for democrats to have a chance at the governor's mansion. The cities, surburbs are not enough for democrats to win statewide. The small towns here in georgia, the farmers, truck drivers, small business owners, veterans, the factory workers here in rural georgia are the ones that's going to determine whether or not democrats win in 2010. And as of right now, David Poythress, DuBose Porter are making the strongest case of putting rural georgia back in play for the democrats.
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