Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What is the democrats backup plan of Thurmond do not run for Lt. Governor?

With the offer of a position with the U.S. Dept. of Labor on the table, Michael Thurmond has a choice to make. Will he accept the position? Will he instead run for Lt. Governor? Will he just stay at Labor until 2014? Lots of decisions for Thurmond.

Now in the beginning I thought he would most definitely run for Lt. Govenror, but now I have doubts about it. With a sagging economy ( unemployment now at 10% ) he may just stay on at Labor Commissioner to help fix the troubling here here in Georgia. He would no doubt be a strong candidate against Casey Cagle, but why run for the post while you can run for a much bigger prize: U.S. Senator.

If he is willing to accept a position with the Obama Administration, then he should run for the U.S. Senate in 2010 instead. We have no candidate right now. A senate run by Thurmond, an african-american from the deep south would generate tons of interest nationwide.

Democrats better have a backup plan if thurmond declines a Lt. Gov run. Who are other possibilities? Some I have already Mentioned.

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